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Happy New Year! - January 2023

Happy New Year!


2022 has officially been confirmed as the country's warmest year on record, according to NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research).


2022 has surpassed the previous record (set in 2021) by 0.2°C, at an average of 13.7 degrees Celsius, with no months recording below average temperatures.


New Plymouth had the most annual sunshine hours - at 2659 hours.

The wider Nelson region, came in second with 2581 while Bay of Plenty, third, recorded 2526 hours of sunshine last year.


Rainfall was also above average for much of the North Island and upper South Island, with the West Coast's Cropp River the wettest, receiving 11 metres of rain.

Geography, digital geography has a role to play in the various outcomes of Climate Change, watch this space as new technologies and methodologies evolve in our ever-changing world.

– Matt Couldrey [geoid - digital geography]

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